Play is an important part of our lives throughout the lifespan. Although play tends to be synonymous with children and development, it is beneficial and necessary in adulthood. Playing is innate to our soul and being. According to Brown (2009), play is a biological drive essential to our health, akin to sleep and nutrition. We are designed by nature to flourish through play. Yet most adults do not dedicate enough time to play in their lives.
Power of Play
Play is a state of mind as much as it is an activity. To play, one must be open to discovering new information with a sense of wonder and awe. Play does not have an agenda and is not attached to outcomes, productivity, or goals. The power of play lies in its ability to allow our spirit to be free. When we play, we go beyond the constraints of reality and transcend what is known. Playing is living in the moment, experiencing flow, and discovering joy.
Benefits of Play
Research has demonstrated the benefits of play in adulthood including improved emotional and physical health and well-being. Playing in adulthood relieves stress, stimulates imagination and creativity, and allows for adaptability and problem-solving.
Play can also enhance our relationships. Infusing play into our relationships fosters closeness, aids in resolving conflict, and builds positive connections. In long-term relationships, play can bring a sense of novelty and excitement while strengthening intimacy.
How to Play:
Setting aside time: Although seemingly counterintuitive play does not come as easily to us in adulthood. It requires intentional time that is set aside for engagement.
Step outside the norm: Play is about exploring and discovery, being willing to engage spontaneously, stepping outside your normal routine, and allowing for living freely in the moment
Tap into your childlike wonder: Embrace a Beginner’s mind: a childlike innocence about the world and people around you. Allow yourself to explore and experiment, detach from purpose or outcomes, and remain open & curious about people and the world.
Cultivate your creative life and expression: Tap into your inner landscape and the uniqueness of your experience in the world. Find & follow your deepest inspiration.